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Make Moving With A Toddler In Tow Simple

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While moving can be stressful for any member of your family, it's often hard on toddlers who aren't really sure about what's happening. Toddlers typically have a routine that they stick to every day, and disrupting it can be upsetting. Unfortunately, any anxiety that your toddler is having about your upcoming move, might be displayed by him or her acting out or becoming overly needy all of the sudden. The good news is, there are actually several things that you can do to help your toddler transition into your new home without a lot of problems.

Discuss the Move

One of the main reasons that toddler's feel overly anxious about moving is because they tend to fear the unknown. After all, moving is a big change and big changes can be really scary if you don't know what to expect. When you discuss moving with your toddler, it's important that you make sure he or she understands:

  • Your whole family is moving — no one will be getting left behind, not even your pets.
  • All of his or her belongings will be going with you to the new house.
  • That moving into a new home can be a fun adventure. Try describing the house, things to do nearby, and your toddler's room in detail to build up some excitement surrounding your move.

Hire Movers

It's common for people to try to save money by renting a truck and moving their belongings themselves, but when you're the parent of a toddler, you should consider splurging a bit — especially if you have multiple children at home. Hiring movers helps you reduce your to-do list, which means that you have more time to spend with your little one. Keep in mind, even if you've built up some excitement surrounding the move, your toddler might be a little anxious when the day comes. If you hire movers, you can let them do all of the work while you tend to your little one's needs.

Let the Movers Pack Up Your House

Many moving companies also have packing services that you can take advantage of during your move. When you hire a packing service, the movers pack up all of your belongings, move them to your new home, and unpack them for you. This is ideal for families with toddlers, because it allows one of the parents to take the toddler away from the home while everything is being packed up, and bring the toddler to the new home after everything is unpacked and in place.

Moving can be difficult on adults who know and understand what's happening, so it's not surprising that a big move can be stressful for a toddler. Do your best to explain the moving process to your little one and consider hiring movers and a packing service to make your move as simple as possible.
